Many people, especially women are doubtful of their own survival skills.
Whenever the next disaster or world catastrophe should strike, many of us will shudder at our ability to conquer.
I would suggest that we reflect upon the many skills that we have already mastered, such as laundry. It may well be that other people also suffer a spate of thievery, whereby all six laundry hampers are purloined for other nefarious purposes. The laundry maid falls back upon the talents of yesteryear, such that clean clothes are stacked together into an impenetrable block for easy transportation upstairs. The careful manipulation of the pieces means that they fit together like a jig saw puzzle to thwart all the deamons that would do your family harm.
2 minutes ago
But first the laundry maid needs to hunt out the dirty clothes from the clean in the floor-drobe in each bedroom ;)
basket or laundry tower, the cats enjoy both...
I could make a fort out of all the clothes I have sitting on my table right now that need to be folded!
Mount WashMore has taken over my laundry. Is rather depressing really.
That is too funny! :-)
That is hilarious! Too bad I never learned how to properly fold--all I can come up with is a pile of almost folded laundry--makes a good tripping hazard though..
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